Jerry Seinfeld once said, when asked why he decided not to do the 10th season of Seinfeld, that tv shows are like a great meal. You can have an awesome meal but one bite too many can ruin it. He had had a great run with the show and it was time he bowed out while he was still at the top. The man was reportedly offered $5 mil per episode to continue with the show to its 10th season but he refused. Now that is someone who knows how to read his audience. Unfortunately Marc Cherry the creator of Desperate Housewives doesn’t seem to get that too much of something can be toxic or in this case… desperate
The biggest blow obviously was the death of Eddie Britt (Nicollete Sheridan). I wondered if I would still be able to watch the show without her. Then there was the “now we poor and fat and suddenly we rich and skinny within a month” thing with Gabby & Carlos just put me off. I didn’t like the fat Gabby and was happy to get the sassy-mean- but- adorable Gabby back but the storyline was a bit far fetched and totally unrealistic.
I have been doing the math (not that Im good at it) and if my calculation is correct by the end of 9th season we would have had to endure 14 years of these characters’ lives because the show jumped 5 years in season 4 finale. Unles Marc Cherry doesnt decide to jump to the future again. I’m sorry but I don’t think anybody has that much of an interesting life that we’d want to see it for that long. Plus there is no guarantee that all the ladies would sign on until season 9 as yet. I'm already missing Eddie Britt, imagine Westeria Lane without either Gabrielle, Bree or Susan… I dnt care much about Lynette. Rather not have the show at all then. I love these ladies but I think they should hang up their aprons and take a bow while we still care. I mean I will probably still watch the show but would I have the same sentiments that its best drama/comedy of the century by the time it gets to 2013... I doubt it.
Anyway season 6 is currently on M-Net and I pray it doesn’t disappoint. I loved Drea De Mateo in
Catch the ladies of Westeria Lane on M-Net, Thursdays at 20h30